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个性化音乐教育计划 Individualized Music Education


1 h
250 US dollars

Service Description

首先,我将对你目前的音乐发展水平与生涯发展目标进行全方位评估,制定个性化音乐教育方案。依照“音乐作为一种语言的理念”与伯克利音乐学院音乐核心课程进行乐理、视唱练耳、合奏、即兴技能、钢琴演奏技能、声乐的学习。 音乐风格涵盖古典钢琴、爵士、蓝调、摇滚、朋克、流行音乐、世界音乐等。不仅学习如何音乐技能,更注重学习如何运用这些技能表达你自己、提升你的创造力。 2008年起教授一对一钢琴学生。 对于新学员,欢迎预约20分钟首次咨询。可以在预约界面找到首次咨询的选项。谢谢! Individualized music education plan; create a flourishing environment to boost your creativity and technical growth. I have been teaching piano lessons since 2008, from beginner to advanced classical, contemporary, and jazz techniques, with strong improvisation skills. Teaching Philosophy: work with students to define their long-term and short-term goals; design and implement lessons and materials to support students to reach their goals; creating a strong emotional connection in the musical expression as the foundation of musicianship; draw knowledge from up-to-date neuroscience research to improve practice route and transform performance anxiety; professionally trained to work with people with special needs, including developmental issues, mental health issues, and neurological issues. If you are interested to discuss your needs before making a commitment, please feel free to book a 20-minute Zoom consultation in the booking dashboard. Looking forward to working with you!

Cancellation Policy

The Client can cancel or reschedule a session up to 24 hours before the appointment starts. Any session, whether insured or uninsured, that is canceled or rescheduled by the Client with less than 24 hours' notice will be charged in full to the Client. By booking this session, the Client agrees that no recording or photo-taking is allowed unless there is written consent from all participants. 如需要改期或取消,需在会面开始前至少24小时书面告知,逾期不接受退款。任何预约,无论是使用保险还是非保险支付,如果您在少于24小时的通知内取消或重新安排,将会全额收费。提交预约,即表示您同意遵守我们的隐私保护协议:除非所有参与者书面同意,否则不允许录音或拍照。

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